Newsweek Senior Editor-at-Large Josh Hammer has blasted US Vice President Kamala Harris’ comparison of the September 11 attacks to the January 6 Capitol riots. “It’s actually very telling … for years after 9/11 you saw regimes of both political parties … try to weaponise the surveillance state and the intelligence community apparatus against mostly foreign enemies then we saw it kind of then taken to be domestic enemies,” Mr Hammer told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “What we now see happening with the persecution of the January 6 political prisoners … this is really not so subtly I think what Kamala Harris is trying to do here, she’s trying to take that same mentality of terrorism as George W. Bush said you’re either with us or with the terrorist ... trying to make that same comparison to January 6. “Basically saying if you are an enemy of our regime, if you are MAGA, if you are Trump, if you are vaguely right of centre then you are an enemy and you should be subject to the exact same sort of surveillance and who knows what else – political or legal persecution as the United States engaged in for years and years after 9/11. “It’s a profoundly dangerous sentiment. Mr Hammer said President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris said they “don’t care about unifying Americans” and instead they are “trying to make an enemy of all of us on the right.”